Missoula residents mark Jewish holiday of Purim
Dozens of people from Missoula’s Jewish community gathered over the weekend to celebrate the holiday of Purim.
It is a celebration of a miracle that saved the Jewish people over 2,500 years ago and has a tradition of exchanging food, donating to those in need, and dressing up in costume.
“Knowing that we’re living within miracles just the laws of nature, that itself is a miracle that brings us the greatest joy and peace of mind.”
Missoula Rabbi Describes Anguish Felt by Jewish Community Amidst Israel-Hamas War
Vogel is the co-director and spiritual leader for Chabad Jewish Center Missoula, and he held a vigil for Jewish residents in the area last night in order for them to grieve and support each other as much as possible during this difficult time.
"The Jewish spirit will never be broken, so there was hope as well. When we come together, that creates a certain strength as well."
Vigil held in Missoula for war in Israel
Missoula's Chabad Jewish Community Center held a vigil offering support for the Jewish community during the ongoing war in Israel.
The event brought people together to pray, mourn and sing.
One by one, people lit candles to remember those lost in the conflict and to pray for the safety of those still in the region.
Chabad of Missoula establishing new Jewish center
The new center, which is currently under contract, will have space for a sanctuary to hold services, a social hall, a Jewish library, a children’s wing, a classroom, as well as a kosher kitchen, a Judaica store, and a Jewish art gallery.
The goal, Rabbi Vogel said, is to create “a space in southwest Montana where Jews can feel comfortable experiencing their Judaism.”
Chanukah on Ice event returns to Missoula
Organizers from Chabad Jewish Center are hosting Chanukah on Ice with a giant ice menorah sculpting and lighting, along with free skating and refreshments to include latkes, a doughnut wall, chocolate gelt and hot drinks.
Hamilton celebrates Hanukkah amid rise in antisemitism
Chabad Jewish Center co-director Rochi Vogel said that it was important for Jewish people to feel pride in who they are, despite the current political atmosphere.
“The message of Hanukkah is that all of us have to be proud of who we are and to spread the light and the pride in being Jewish without hiding and being embarrassed,” she said.
Rabbi Chezky Vogel: Year of Hakhel — Jewish Unity and Gathering
In light of recent focus and attention to rising anti-Semitism, it is so important for Jews to publicly celebrate Chanukah.
“But what do we respond to the haters?!” you ask… For the most part, we must focus on raising spiritually healthy Jewish families and communities wherever we are. That is how we best respond to negativity and that is why we are still here, thousands of years after the ancient empires who tried to destroy us have long disappeared.
2nd candle lit on giant menorah in Ravalli County
On this second night of Hanukkah, a celebratory crowd gathered at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds in Hamilton. Rabbi Chezky Vogel, co-director of Chabad of Missoula Jewish Center, led the community in the annual giant menorah lighting.
Jewish community, friends celebrate Chanukah at fairgrounds
Rabbi Vogel told the story of Chanukah and then led attendees in prayers, singing songs, dancing to foot tapping music and enjoying the tasty foods that were brought and that quickly disappeared.
“Next year,” stated the Rabbi, “all are welcome to come and enjoy the blessings of Chanukah and share the miracle of light that overwhelms darkness and allows us to celebrate in peace and joy.”
Chabad Jewish Center hosts live celebration of Jewish music, culture
Montana's Jewish community held a special celebration over the weekend as a way to bring people together and promote messages of acceptance.
The Chabad Jewish Center of Missoula brought the Weinreb Brothers to Montana from New York for a free Jewish music concert in the park.
"I love Jewish music and Missoula doesn't have a large Jewish presence and there is a lot to be proud about culturally," Missoula Resident said.
Missoula's Chabad Jewish Center celebrates unity
Earlier this year, Anti-Semitic fliers showed up earlier this year on the doorsteps of some Missoula neighborhoods.
Now with Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur coming up, the Chabad Jewish Center and the University of Montana University Center held a cultural celebration.
Live Music by a band from Brooklyn, kosher food, an information booth, and face painting arrived to Bonner Park on Sunday.
Second round of anti-Semitic posters found in Missoula
“This doesn’t just affect the Jewish community; it affects the entire community,” Chezky Vogel, Rabbi of the Chabad Jewish Center of Missoula, told NBC Montana. “This is one person trying to poison the atmosphere and environment here. I would say don’t let them win. Don’t hide your religion. Respond with pride, stand up for what you believe in.”